AROGYAM PURE HERBS OBN KIT - Himachal Pradesh - Health services, beauty services, Himachal Pradesh - 3185241


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AROGYAM PURE HERBS OBN KIT - Health services, beauty services

Ref. number: 3185241 Updated: 07-03-2025 11:45

Price: 1 INR Rs

Offering: Health services, beauty services in India, Himachal Pradesh

~~Masturbation plays a big role in normal Individual sex life. Some of us discover it as children because it starts to feel so good between our legs. Others are shown by our friends circle. We would continue to masturbate because it feels us so good to us. It gets us ready for mature sexual relationships when we reach our adulthood and it helps us to take care of those rising hormonal urges and surges when we are at our teenage. Masturbation has been a way of satisfying sexual desires for both females and males since a long time Masturbation is not a healthy sexual behavior activity. Like other behaviors, when over practiced or addicted or done it can lead to both psychological as well as physiological imbalances in the body. The biggest effect of over masturbation is mental rather than physical effect, as person in habit of it gradually shifts away from normal intercourse and finds masturbation more satisfactory and pleasurable than normal sexual act. People in habit of it always seek few moments of the loneliness to masturbate, even slightest arousal can make them fully aroused and they may feel the urge to discharge soon. This kind of situation can promote problems in the person body like low libido or can say loss of sexual desire, ED and lack of orgasm. Other then these problems people having the habit of masturbation may face the problems like prostatitis, weakness in nervous system, malfunctioning of liver, sperm leakage, early ejaculation, sexual exhaustion, impotence, low sperm count and many more other general body weakness. The side effects of overmasturbation include: Fatigue. Feeling tired all the time Low back pain Thinning of hair or Hair Loss . Soft or Weak Erection Early ejaculation/Premature Ejaculation Eye floaters or fuzzy vision Groin / pain in testis. Cramp or pain in the pelvic cavity or in the tail bone Tiredness all the time, Lack of concentration, Weak memory, stress & depression And many more… Over Masturbation can cause serious threat to sexual and over all health and curing these effects with completely herbal treatment is safe as herbs do not have side effects and are quick to alleviate the problems arising due to over masturbation. When the frequency of masturbation goes beyond the tolerance limit of body organs then its effects are dangerous if left untreated. Females associated with the habit of over masturbation may need a cure for vaginal discharge, vaginal dryness and recurrent infections on regular basis due to over masturbation and may also face problems like early sexual exhaustion, liver dysfunction and loss of libido. Some of the females also grow a tendency of not reaching a complete state of orgasm as excessive practice of unnatural sex makes normal sex boring and too much straining to them. Completely Herbal Supplements designed for alleviating the ill effects of over masturbation contain rich herbs and natural substances which can cast all round healing effects to cure the problems. Although there are many products available in the market claiming to be safe and effective but not all are trustworthy, only products with all herbal ingredients and having right herbs which are capable and trusted to cure the problem shall be used. # How much is too much masturbation ? That depends but it’s suggested men keep their ejaculation frequency down to 2-3 times in a month. How To Get Rid From This Addictive Behavior? The first step to getting better is to reduce the habit of masturbation and ejaculation frequency and try to overcome this bad habit. Eat more soybean products and eliminate excessive caffeine from your diet. Try to focus on nutty foods like sunflower seeds, peanuts and eat more sea foods, green vegetables, and try to minimize red meat and dairy product intake. Instead of taking soda, try drinking pure orange juice or cranberry juice and, of course, drink plenty of water. For more information visit our

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Last name: sharma
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