AROGYAM PURE HERBS FACE CARE KIT - Himachal Pradesh - Health services, beauty services, Himachal Pradesh - 3185220


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AROGYAM PURE HERBS FACE CARE KIT - Health services, beauty services

Ref. number: 3185220 Updated: 07-03-2025 10:59

Price: 1 INR Rs

Offering: Health services, beauty services in India, Himachal Pradesh

As people grow older, a major problem that they face is that of large open pores on the skin. Besides this being harmful to your body, the condition also makes you appear older than you actually are. Large pores can also make your skin look and feel rough & leads to acne. Poor habits of facial care can cause large open pores which lead to acne. If you are able to treat your open and large pores, you will also be able to deal with your acne problem. If you want to have clear and smooth skin, it is important to maintain a regular skin care regimen. AROGYAM PURE HERBS FACE CARE KIT a complete ayurvedic approach to treat your facial skin at home. Treat pimple, acne, wrinkles, black circles black patches at home. Now a naturally smooth, fair and glowing skin is yours. Balance your doshas by adopting the modified diet and life styles.Cleansing, exfoliating, toning, and moisturizing is the right kind of skin care routine for clear smooth skin. There are some toners which can be used regularly to reduce the pore size. These toners, besides cleaning and clearing your skin also help in reducing the pore size and make them look smaller. Specially formulated 100% effective & safe AROGYAM PURE HERBS FACE CARE KIT efficiently fulfills all the needs of skin. Its oxynutrients & collagen restorative properties make the skin look fresh and rejuvenated. It helps in removal of pimples, scars, blemishes, patches, black & white heads, pores and keeps the face glowing. BENEFITS : Helps to reduce, acne, pimple, blemishes, hyperpigmentation, scars and marks depending on its herbal ingredients.The kit helps for acne, pimple, black heads usually control the over discharge of sebum from sebaceous glands and remove the harmful bacteria inside acne lesion. The harmful effects of pollution and harsh climates can be effectively combated with judicial use of this kit. Regular use of this kit bring glow to skin, improve skin texture and complexion. Help to restore the lost shine and glow of skin in short span of time. Help to cure wrinkles, fine lines and sagging of skin. Nourishes the skin.Supply essential nutrients to skin. Provide a soothing and relaxing effect on skin. Help to prevent premature aging of skin. Remove dead cells of skin. This unique Kit has the dual benefit of giving the convenience of a home remedy and also a beauty treatment. For more information visit our

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First name: Kavitasharma
Last name: sharma
Phone number: 9805038733
Mobile number: 9805038733
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